=== Admin Columns === Contributors: codepress, tschutter, davidmosterd, engelen, dungengronovius Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ZDZRSYLQ4Z76J Tags: plugins, wordpress, admin, column, columns, custom columns, custom fields, image, dashboard, sortable, filters, posts, media, users, pages, posttypes, manage columns, wp-admin Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.6.1 Stable tag: Customise columns on the administration screens for post(types), pages, media, comments, links and users with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface. == Description == Manage and organize columns in the posts, users, comments and media lists in the WordPress admin panel. Transform the WordPress admin screens into beautiful, clear overviews. > Looking for the possibility of **sorting and filtering** your columns, and integrations for **WooCommerce** and **Advanced Custom Fields** columns? **[Admin Columns Pro](https://www.admincolumns.com/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=blockquote&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage)** offers these features and many more! > > It also includes priority support from our support team and direct inline editing of your posts, users and categories. [What are you waiting for?](https://www.admincolumns.com/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=blockquote-what-waiting-for&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage) [vimeo http://vimeo.com/96885841] = Enhanced list tables = By default, WordPress provides list tables, giving you an overview of your content in the admin panel. These list tables are quite limited, however. For posts and custom post types, for example, not much more than the date and title of the post is displayed. Admin Columns allows you to take control over these list tables, managing the columns dislpayed in these overviews. Supporting custom fields, featured images, custom taxonomies, EXIF data for media and much, much more (Admin Columns features over 90 columns), you can create overviews that are perfectly suited for your content. = Features = Admin Columns greatly enhances your WordPress installation. Whether you're running a simple blog or a full-blown enterprise website, it will prove its worth within minutes. Thanks to our dedicated development and support team, you can rest assured that Admin Columns will persist to be an essential part of any WordPress installation. To give you some insight into the great amount of possibilities Admin Columns offers to enhance your (or your client's) WordPress admin panel, be sure to check out the screenshots or the demo video! = Sortable, filterable and editable columns & import/export = All of the new columns support sorting on all screens, and many of them support filtering. Another great feature is direct editing: it allows you to directly edit all types of data (including titles, featured images, custom fields and taxonomies) directly from the posts overview. These features are only available with [Admin Columns Pro](https://www.admincolumns.com)! Admin Columns Pro also allows you to import and export your column setup, and it allows you to save your columns to PHP, so you (and your clients) don't have to worry about the admin interface! = Third party plugin integration = Admin Columns works perfectly with just about all external plugins with custom columns. Examples include Yoast SEO (SEO columns), WooCommerce, Advanced Custom Fields, Types and Pods. Not only can you reorganize the custom columns added by these plugins, you can also add custom columns provided by Admin Columns in the overview! The Developer license of [Admin Columns Pro](https://www.admincolumns.com/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=thirdpartyplugins&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage) includes [Advanced Custom Fields](https://www.admincolumns.com/advanced-custom-fields-integration/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=thirdpartyplugins&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage) and [WooCommerce](https://www.admincolumns.com/woocommerce-integration/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=thirdpartyplugins&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage) add-ons for easy integration and inline editing of data from these plugins. = Custom field column = Admin Columns allows you to display custom fields for posts (post meta) and users (user meta) for all custom fields you have. With many different custom field types supported, such as files, images, numbers and even post and user relations, you can create a beautiful overview of your custom content! To ensure proper formatting of your custom fields, Admin Columns provides a set of custom field types, which automatically format your meta data properly. * Raw value * Checkmark (for true/false values) * Color (color code) * Counter * Date (automatically formatted dates) * Excerpt (snippet for long texts) * Image * Media library * Multiple values (automatically parse comma-separated data) * Numeric * Post Title (post relationships based on post IDs) * Username (user relationships based on user IDs) = Supported content types = Admin Columns can change your post (posts, pages and custom post types), user, comment, media and taxonomy (Admin Columns Pro only) lists! Below, you can find a list of supported column types for each content type. = Post types columns = * ACF Field (Admin Columns Pro only) * Actions * Attachment * Attachment count * Author * Author Name * Before More Tag * Categories * Comment Count * Comment Status * Comments * Content * Custom Field * Date Published * Page Depth * Estimated Reading Time * Excerpt * Featured Image * Formats * ID * Modified * Order * Page Template * Parent * Path * Permalink * Ping Status * Post Format * Roles * Shortcodes * Slug * Status * Sticky * Taxonomy * Word Count = User columns = * Actions * Comment Count * Custom Field * Description * Email * First Name * ID * Last Name * Name * Nickname * Post Count * Registered Date * Role * URL * Username = Media columns = * Actions * Alternate Text * Attached To * Available Sizes * Caption * Custom Field * Description * Dimensions * EXIF Data * File * File Name * File Size * Full Path * Height * ID * Mime Type * Taxonomy * Width = Comment columns = * Actions * Agent * Approved * Author * Avatar * Custom Field * Email * IP * Name * URL * Date * Date GMT * Excerpt * ID * Post * Reply To * Type * User * Word Count = Docs & Support = Is this the first time you're using Admin Columns? Check out our Getting Started guide. We offer an extensive and up-to-date [documentation](https://www.admincolumns.com/documentation/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=docs-support&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage), [FAQ](https://www.admincolumns.com/documentation/faq/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=docs-support&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage), [how-tos](https://www.admincolumns.com/documentation/how-to/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=docs-support&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage) and an advanced [Developer Documentation](https://www.admincolumns.com/documentation/developer-docs/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=docs-support&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage). For one-on-one support, please check out the Admin Columns Forums. = Translations = Thanks to the great community of translators surrounding Admin Columns, the plugin is available in many languages! To find your translation or to contribute to Admin Columns by translating it into your own language, please visit our [Transifex page](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/admin-columns/). = Feedback & Feature Requests = You can leave any requests or feedback on [admincolumns.com](https://www.admincolumns.com/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=feedback&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage). = Related Links = * [https://www.admincolumns.com](https://www.admincolumns.com/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=relatedlinks&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage) == Installation == 1. Upload codepress-admin-columns to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory 2. Activate Admin Columns through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Configure the plugin by going to the Admin Columns settings that appears under the Settings menu. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is there documentation for Admin Columns? = Yes, you will find all the documentation you need on the [admincolumns.com documentation page](https://www.admincolumns.com/documentation/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=faq&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage). = I have an idea for a great way to improve this plugin = Great, we'd love to hear from you! Please leave your feature request in our [forums](https://www.admincolumns.com/forums/forum/feature-requests/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=faq&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage)! = How can I change the thumbnail size of images? = You can select a custom size for your custom field option from the Column options. **my columns thumbnails still have the wrong size** If you want your already uploaded images to display the newly added size you will need to regenerate the thumbnail for them. You can use this plugin to generate the newly added sized thumbnails: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/. = What filters and hooks can I use? = You can find a list of the available actions and filters (and examples on how to use them!) in the [Admin Columns documentation](https://www.admincolumns.com/documentation/?utm_source=wordpressorg&utm_medium=readme&utm_content=faq&utm_campaign=cpac-pluginpage). == Screenshots == 1. Easily add new columns to your posts screen. 2. Settings page for Post(type) columns. 3. Posts Screen with the customized sortable columns. 4. Settings page for the Media Library columns. 5. Media Screen with the customized sortable columns. 6. Settings page for Users columns. 7. Users Screen with the customized sortable columns. 8. Settings page showing the different displaying types for custom field. 9. Posts Screen with custom fields. == Changelog == = = * [Update] Updated promo banner = = * [Added] Filter for suppressing admin notices, use: `add_filter( 'cac/suppress_site_wide_notices', '__return_true' )` * [Fixed] Only enable our plugin for taxonomies that are available in the admin = = * [Fixed] Hotfix cleanup. = = * [Fixed] Hotfix. Version 2.5.6 did not display the stored column settings, which has been hotfixed. = 2.5.6 = * [Fixed] Row actions are now only added to the first column when the primary column isn't available * [Fixed] The true/false field option for the Custom Field column will display a cross icon when the value is empty or zero = 2.5.5 = * [Improved] Columns with empty values will now display a dash symbol * [Fixed] Excerpt column: The label "Excerpt from content" will now only display when the post has content = = * [Fixed] Columns can be marked as original, in case the default has been replaced by an ac-column = 2.5.4 = * [Fixed] Edit columns button will be positioned correctly on the Trash page * [Fixed] Obsolete images have been removed * [Fixed] Roles names column will display the available translation * [Fixed] Content type label (next to store settings) is displayed correctly when translations are loaded * [Fixed] After using quick edit the column values will be populated correctly again * [Fixed] WPML will correctly display it's "+" icons again. Make sure to add/remove the column. * [Improved Messages on the settings screen (when using restore columns) are now displayed directly above the columns * [Improved] Excerpt column will now display a label "excerpt from content" when the actual excerpt field is empty * [Added] New filter 'cac/get_posts/post_status' has been added to change post_status when using `CPAC_Storage_model::get_posts()`` = 2.5.3 = * [Fixed] Fixes an issue with some 3rd party column not being visible = 2.5.2 = * [Fixed] Fixes an issue where some of the WordPress default columns did not display correctly = 2.5.1 = * [Fixed] Column settings are displayed correctly now = 2.5 = * [Updated] The main menu has been replaced with a single dropdown menu * [Updated] Support for 3rd party columns from other themes or plugins has been greatly improved * [Added] Added a new column: Comment status * [Added] The width of default columns are now displayed * [Improved] Improved JS loading * [Improved] Replaced FamFam icons with dashicons * [Improved] Column groups now uses full text strings * [Fixed] Media actions columns no longer throws an error when the list table is not found * [Fixed] Height and width columns for media will be appended with 'px' * [Fixed] Most zero values will now be displayed as a dash * [Fixed] Estimate time reading column will no longer display leading zero's on seconds * [Fixed] Shortcodes column now display each shortcode name used once, with a counter * [Fixed] Columns with an imagesize selection setting will have the a default option selected * [Removed] Removed loading columns through 'load-edit.php' filter * [Added] Column settings are now stored without the need to refresh the page (through ajax) * [Added] You can disable the columns delete confirmation through this filter `ac/delete_confirmation` * [Improved] The width of default columns (e.g. date and author) are now displayed * [Improved] bbPress columns are loaded correctly * [Updated] All languages files have been updated from [Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/codepress/admin-columns) * * [Developer notes] * [Refactor] CPAC now is a singleton class * [Refactor] Storage model has been refactored but should stay backwards compatible when extending * [Refactor] CPAC_Column $storage_model variable has become private. Use CAPC_Column::get_storage_model() method. * [Refactor] Storagemodel can now be extended to have column layouts/sets * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column::is_default() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column::is_registered() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column::get_empty_char() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_column_types() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_default_colummn_types() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_column_type() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::create_column() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::flush_columns() method added * [Refactor:added] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_restore_link() method added * [Refactor:changed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_columns() * [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_default_registered_columns() method removed * [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_custom_registered_columns() method removed * [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::set_stored_columns() method removed * [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::get_grouped_column_types() method removed * [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::set_columns() method removed * [Refactor:removed] CPAC_Column_Storagemodel::set_stored_columns() method removed = 2.4.10 = * [Fixed] Data:image sources for images are supported in labels * [Fixed] Cloned columns no longer has the wrong options when stored * [Added] Added an extra update button to the bottom of the settings page * [Fixed] Created deprecated function for is_columns_screen() * [Fixed] The method get_current_storage_model returns the first occurrence instead of running the entire array of storage modals * [Fixed] The storage_model object should have the init_manage_columns method to properly load the columns heading and values * [Fixed] The storage_model object can now be used within sub pages = 2.4.9 = * [Added] Display format Url added to Custom Fields * [Added] Allow the use of before and after fields for all columns. Use `add_filter( 'cac/column/properties/use_before_after', '__return_true' )`. * [Fixed] Removed Field Groups from post types * [Fixed] Removed additional avatars from the comments view * [Added] Added the option to replace the Custom Field select menu with a text input. Use `add_filter( 'cac/column/meta/use_text_input', '__return_true' )`. = 2.4.8 = * [Updated] Hidden custom fields are now grouped as "Hidden" in the dropdown list * [Updated] Minor performance improvements * [Fixed] New Yoast plugin compatibility = 2.4.7 = * [Added] Comment Post column added * [Update] User Actions columns extends CPAC_Actions object * [Update] PHP export columns no longer uses global * [Added] Added "Link To" selection field for the author column * [Fixed] Date and Title column are labeled as Default column for posts * [Fixed] WPML columns will display the correct flag on the overview when switching language = 2.4.6 = * [Fixed] Page Order column is now available on all supported posttypes * [Fixed] Time reading columns shows "-" instead of zero when there is no content = 2.4.5 = * [Fixed] Estimate Time Reading column will not display a value when there is no content * [Fixed] When updating there was a possbile change on a "Cannot modify header information" = 2.4.4 = * [Fixed] Support for custom post statuses * [Fixed] Page Order column is now available on all hierarchical post types * [Added] WordPress Default columns has it's own menu group * [Added] Columns set by plugins has it's own menu group * [Added] Custom Field column has it's own menu group * [Update] Updated all languages from Transifex = 2.4.3 = * [Fixed] Comment bubble icon is fixed = 2.4.2 = * [Added] Added new comment columns: type, author and user. * [Added] Width indicator text is darker * [Fixed] Remove ' symbol from column label, because it causing issues when sorting * [Fixed] Review notice will only show on admin columns page and with an improved hide button = 2.4.1 = * [Added] Added the development filter 'cac/menu_types' to add custom menu types * [Added] Added public method set_menu_type() to the storage model * [Added] Added review notice * [Updated] Po file will exclude Actions columns which contain only native WordPress translatable strings * [Updated] Updated all languages from Transifex * [Updated] Pro addon notice text has been updated = 2.4 = * [Added] Added content column for post(types). * [Added] Added the column shortcodes, which will display any used shortcodes in your post's content * [Added] Column width has a text field to enter the width * [Added] Added a message for when a custom field is empty * [Added] Column width can be set to pixels or percentages * [Added] Added a width indicator to the column settings header * [Added] Added a singular label to all storage_models = 2.3.4 = * [Added] A column can have it's own JS/CSS files by using the CPAC_Column::scripts() method * [Added] Column Name can be found by hovering over the "Type" label in your column settings * [Fixed] Fixed a quick edit issue for comments * [Fixed] is_field() method of the custom field column works as intended = 2.3.3 = * [Added] Added user column: Visual Editor * [Added] Added post column: Estimated Reading Time * [Added] Added method CPAC_Column::get_sorting_value() * [Added] Added user column display name * [Fixed] fixed wordcount issue with PHP 5.3 or lower * [Fixed] Fixed media actions column = 2.3.2 = * [Updated] All translations from [Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/admin-columns) * [Updated] 100% Spanish translation thanks to Carlos * [Updated] Custom Fields will now display an icon for file attachments in the correct specified dimensions * [Added] Public methods to CPAC_Column; get_type(), is_type(), is_field_type(), get_field_type() * [Added] Custom Field type "Terms" * [Added] Added posts column "Last Modified Author" * [Improced] Improved loading on columns settings screen when using many custom field columns * [Fixed] Only display filtering icon on supported Custom Field types * [Fixed] Remove deregister of qtip2 scripts. * [Fixed] PHP export now works as intended * [Fixed] Compatibility issue with Ninja Forms where submission would not be displayed = 2.3.1 = * [Fixed] Image Uploader failing inside nested Settings pod when using the Pods plugin = 2.3 = * [Added] Added filter "cac/column/meta/is_editable" for making all custom fields editable * [Added] CPAC_Settings::get_settings_page() to retrieve setting_page slug * [Added] Caching method for CPAC_Storage_Model * [Fixed] Field PHP Export was not working when included to a site * [Updated] Improved word count on post content = 2.2.9 = * [Added] Added filter "cac/column/actions/action_links" for modifying the action column links * [Fixed] WordPress SEO by Yoast columns were not added to the dropdown menu when using the 'add column' button. * [Fixed] Fix "restore" action link in post actions column * [Added] Persian (fa_IR) language, thanks to kamel kimiaei. * [Added] Partially Italian (it_IT) language, thanks to francesco. = = * [Fixed] Quick Edit will display columns correctly after saving = 2.2.8 = * [Fixed] support for WPML columns = 2.2.7 = * [Added] Added date format option for "Last modified" column * [Updated] Change references from Codepress Admin Columns to Admin Columns * [Updated] General code clean-up * [Improved] Documentation improvements = = * [Updated] Portuguese (Brazil) language - thanks to André Mácola Machado = = * [Updated] Enable 3rd party plugins to set storage_models outside the post listings screens * [Updated] Spanish language updated - thanks to Andrew Kurtis = = * [Fixed] Fixed “Illegal offset” warning for unset option on edit screen = = * [Fixed] Fixed dependency on PHP 5.3+ in actions column = 2.2.6 = * [Changed] Display "edit columns" button by default * [Improved] Improved memory usage by only loading columns for the current screen * [Changed] Removed floatHead library * [Updated] Only display ACF placeholder with ACF active. = = * [Fixed] Unavailable included JS-file on editing pages = 2.2.5 = * [Fixed] Error with actions icons. * [Added] New Column! Used-by-menu column; will display in which menu a post/page/taxonomy is being used. With support for column sorting in posts. * [Fixed] Only ajax calls from cpac will trigger the loading of storage_models now. = 2.2.4 = * [Added] New filter `cpac/storage_model/columns_default` for filtering the columns that should be loaded if there are no stored columns * [Added] Option (column property `hidden`) to hide column types from the dropdown list of column types * [Added] Use tooltip library for enhanced column value representation * [Added] Box for direct feedback on Admin Columns settings screen * [Added] Added method for retrieving current storage model (for overview pages such as the posts and page overviews) * [Added] Added WooCommerce add-on to list of add-ons * [Updated] Hide ACF5 field group post type from list of post types columns settings * [Updated] Updated structure of scripts and styles and way of enqueuing them = 2.2.3 = * [Added] Added Path column for post(types). Uses the permalink without the home url. = 2.2.2 = * [Fixed] Custom Fields for Media Library did not work. * [Fixed] Column type dropdown displayed an empty item. = = * [Fixed] Fixed issue with Posts 2 Posts (and other third party plugins) columns not being displayed because of hooking into late actions on post pages = 2.2.1 = * [Added] Option to make permalink in permalink column clickable (linking to post) * [Added] Direct support box in Admin Columns settings screen sidebar * [Added] Added filter to suppress pro add-on notice (`cpac/suppress_proaddon_notice`) * [Updated] Minor adjustments for WooCommerce and other third party plugin support, setting up the post object in post columns * [Updated] Minor update in default column retrieval for improved 3rd party plugin support * [Fixed] Fixed problem with column groups incorrectly handling default 3rd party columns * [Updated] Updated translations from Transifex = 2.2 = * [Added] AJAX refreshing of columns in columns settings screen * [Added] Support for managing columns via code instead of UI * [Added] Additional integration possibilities for add-ons * [Added] Add-ons tab for managing Admin Columns add-ons * [Added] Extended grouping support for column types to support add-ons * [Updated] Additional documentation was added to filters and actions * [Updated] Updated languages (from transfix) * [Updated] All custom fields (including hidden fields) now always displayed in custom field dropdown * [Fixed] Third party plugin integration functions are now prefixed, thereby adhering to coding standards = 2.1.5 = * [Updated] Compatibility with add-ons = 2.1.4 = * [Added] CSS now is compiled with LESS * [Updated] Menu is split between posttypes and media, comments and users. * [Fixed] WordPress SEO 1.5.2 columns support * [Updated] Refactored JS and cleanup * [Updated] Registered Date column now uses GMT date * [Updated] Display author as column has fallback to display_name * [Updated] Added conditional checks for featured-image-, ping-status and comment-status-columns * [Fixed] Fixed warning for available-sizes column * [Updated] Column labels can no longer contain ":" characters = 2.1.3 = * [Updated] Undo changes from 2.1.2, will be in the next major release * [Fixed] Moved assignment of capabilities to plugin activation hook * [Fixed] Hook into manage_columns filters later to prevent overwriting from other plugins * [Fixed] Filters for column_path = 2.1.2 = [Updated] Added ajax check and improved loading. [Updated] Menu is split between posttypes and media, comments and users. [Added] WooCommerce 2.1 columns support [Fixed] Filters for column_path = 2.1.1 = * [Updated] Added page check to posttype edit screens * [Updated] taxonomy raw_value outputs term_ids * [Added] Taxnomy support for Media * [Fixed] In some cases custom field column would trigger a php warning on post titles type = 2.1.0 = * [Updated] Improved overall performance for script loading and lowered memory usage = 2.0.3 = * [Updated] Danish translation - thanks to iosoftgame * [Updated] Spanish translation - thanks to redywebs * [Added] Chinese translation - thanks to 倡萌 * [Fixed] Solved bug with before and after field * [Added] Fieldtype "Counter" to Custom Fields * [Added] Column type ID when you hover over the column type label * [Added] Support for raw values * [Updated] Changed filter for cac/column/value. See: https://www.admincolumns.com/documentation/. = 2.0.2 = * [Fixed] Performance issue * [Added] Option to show/hide edit-button * [Fixed] Bug before/after-field not saving correctly * [Fixed] Bug with storage model trying to load repository (svn) files * [Fixed] Bug with tooltip * [Fixed] Bug with duplicate message in javascript * [Added] RTL support - thanks to Hassan * [Added] Arabic translation - thanks to Hassan = 2.0.1 = * [Fixed] Bug which caused columns to not include properly = 2.0 = * [Notice] Database needs an update, make sure to backup first * [Changed] Sortorder licence is now an Pro Add-on * [Changed] Some filters and hooks have been changed, see online documentation * [Updated] Extensive refactoring of the code with improved API * [Updated] New UI with responsive design * [Updated] Hooks and filters has been replaced with one that follows the correct naming conventions with underscores. * [Updated] Columns menu will only display posttypes which have show_ui set to true * [Updated] Admin Columns will have a tabbed settings panel * [Added] Added settings page. * [Added] Added import/export capabilities * [Added] Column: Available_Sizes for media * [Added] Default sorting for Users, Comments, Media * [Added] Column: Parent for posts * [Added] Set your own excerpt length per column * [Added] Set your own image size per column * [Added] Restore settings per type * [Added] Column support for WooCommerce * [Added] Support for image headings by other plugin columns * [Added] Added edit/view-button for easy switching between overview screen and admin columns * [Added] Added capability manage_admin_columns to control which roles can set columns * [Removed] Column: Actions for comments * [Removed] Calling get_column_headers() interfered with storing columns * [Fixed] Issue: Sorting was not working when label contains the ':' character * [Addon] Added Pro add-on * [Addon] Pro add-on includes Sorting, Filtering and Import/Export = 1.4.9 = * fixed bug: thirdparty columns that were previous loaded through load-edit.php will now use do_action( 'cpac-get-default-columns-{$type}' ) = 1.4.8 = * [Fixed] Issue: removed acf posttype placed by Advaced Custom Fields from settings menu * [Fixed] Issue: removed bbPress posttypes topic, forum and reply from admin columns settings menu * [Fixed] Issue: license key could not activate properly = 1.4.7 = * [Upated] Ready for WP 3.5 * [Added] support for custom fields for Media * [Added] color to the custom field types * [Fixed] default sorting for Post(types) and Media * [Fixed] problem with different date formats in custom fields. all dates will parsed by strtotime() now. * [Fixed] Issue: which could trigger a conflict when saving the setting on other plugins * [Fixed] Issue: when returning an admin class atrribute * [Improved] Perfomance on post count on user overview screen = = * [Added] 'before more tag' column, which will show the content which is placed before the more-tag * [Fixed] Issue: file images will now also be displayed when they can not be resized. * [Fixed] Issue: the checkbox disappeared when resetting columns and resaving them. = = * [Added] new custom field type: User by User ID * [Added] values to filter 'cpac_get_column_value_custom_field' for better control of the output * [Added] an example for above filter to FAQ section * [Fixed] Issue: where trash posts did not show with the sorting addon activated = = * [Fixed] Issue: with a static function which could cause an error in some cases * [Added] filter to enable taxonomy filtering. add this to your functions.php to enable taxonomy filtering: `add_filter( 'cpac-remove-filtering-columns', '__return_false' );` = = * [Fixed] Issue: for possible warning when using Custompress ( props to scottsalisbury for the fix! ) * [Fixed] Issue: for sorting by postcount for users * [Added] 'Display Author As' column for post(types) * [Added] sorting support for 'Display Author As' column = 1.4.6 = * [Added] german language ( thanks to Uli ) * [Added] danish language ( thanks to Morten Dalgaard Johansen ) * [Added] filter for setting thumbnail size ( see FAQ on how to use it ) * [Added] support for hidden custom fields ( see FAQ on how to enable this ) * [Fixed] Issue: for WordPress SEO by Yoast Columns = = * [Removed] taxonomy filtering ( will implement show/hide option ) = 1.4.5 = * [Added] french language ( thanks to Alexandre Girard ) * [Added] filtering by taxonomy ( only displays when column is used ) * [Added] compatibility with woocommerce * [Added] Actions column for Media (delete, view etc.) * [Added] Actions column for Link (delete, view etc.) * [Added] Actions column for Comments (delete, view etc.) * [Added] Wordcount column for Comments * [Added] Filesize column for Media ( supports sorting ) * [Added] default sorting for posts ( remembers your last sorting, only with addon ) * [Added] default sorting for media ( remembers your last sorting, only with addon ) * [Added] filters to the result output * [Fixed] Issue: value media meta column ID * [Fixed] Issue: with sorting users by postcount = 1.4.4 = * [Added] posts columns Last Modified and Comment count * [Added] media columns for EXIF and IPTC image data * [Added] custom fields columns to the Media Library * [Improved] given column values it's own class * [Added] bug fix for sorting bookmarks/links * [Fixed] possible php warning = 1.4.3 = * [Removed] taxonomy filtering = 1.4.2 = * [Fixed] Issue: for unexpected output in the column value * [Fixed] Issue: for better 3rd party plugin support * [Added] column for Comment status * [Added] column for Ping/Trackback status * [Added] column for Posts Actions (delete, view etc.) * [Added] column for Users Actions (delete, view etc.) * [Added] sorting taxonomies ( only on first one ) * [Fixed] Issue: fix for sorting * [Added] taxonomy filtering = 1.4.1 = * [Added] polish translation, thanks to Bartosz. * [Upated] the license key validation proces to be complaint with WP rules * [Removed] non-breaking-space-character from column output = 1.4 = * [Added] support for comment columns * [Added] support for link columns * [Added] links to taxonomies * [Added] sorting user custom fields * [Added] sorting to links columns * [Added] user columns so you can see how many articles an author has published of a certain post type * [Added] Textual help * [Added] the option to specify column width * [Added] role column to all posts screens * [Added] posts status column to all posts screens * [Added] image path to media library * [Added] added apply_filters('cpac-get-post-types', $post_types) to filter out certain post types * [Added] option to enter license key for activating sorting on ALL columns * [Fixed] Issue: a php5 warning * [Fixed] Issue: a conflict with the Co-Authors plugin = 1.3 = * [Added] support for Media columns * [Added] Media columns: filename, width, height, dimensions, description, alt, caption and mime-type * [Added] date type to posts custom fields * [Added] title type to posts custom fields * [Improved] sorting has changed. when sorting; only results are shown which contain a value * [Improved] str_word_count is used for excerpts = 1.2.1 = * [Added] word count sorting * [Added] attachment count sorting * [Added] template name sorting * [Improved] styling changes * [Fixed] Issue: with sorting by slug * [Fixed] Issue: with sorting by attachment = 1.2 = * [Added] support for third party plugins * [Added] user custom fields * [Added] extra image check * [Fixed] Issue: with javascript (jquery) enqueue = 1.1.3 = * [Fixed] Issue: for WP3.3beta = 1.1.2 = * [Added] Dutch translation = 1.1.1 = * [Fixed] Issue: path separator for require_once * [Added] word count column = 1.1 = * [Added] User Columns. * [Added] before / after text for custom fields * [Added] custom field type 'Numeric'. * [Added] custom field sortables. * [Fixed] domain path * [Fixed] settings link = 1.0 = * Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 2.0 = Version 2.0 is a major upgrade, which is partially compatible with prior versions.